Friday, September 6, 2013

An Ode to the Belly

  Jake was just telling me the other night how much he is going to miss "the belly". He likes to come home and lay on it and listen to her move and at times she gives his cheek a swift kick! :) It has been quite an amazing experience having this little girl growing inside of me. Watching each week, month as she grows, its crazy! Feeling the kicks and movements as she stretches and now as she is almost here I feel like she is about to stretch threw my stomach! Jake is just in Awe of how "the belly" works and she moves and comes alive when he gets her all riled. I must admit I will miss the feelings and movements of having her inside of me.   So with all of that being said it made me reminisce on the past few months on how much  "the belly" has grown and changed, and how fast everything went by! It feels like it was just yesterday when I found out I was pregnant and I almost fell off the toilet! Haha! Going threw some of these pics makes me even more excited for her to get here. And I have to give much credit to the amazing photographer and even greater person and friend, Krista Rae Fischer for taking some of these pics for me! Having all these memories captured is great! So to "the belly" we can't wait to meet you! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Nicole, for sharing your beautiful thoughts. This blog is a wonderful idea! Exciting times for you and Jake... love, Aunt Randi
