Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The First of many post to come

  First off this is my first time blogging, so bare with me as I am knew to this. The idea behind this was actually suggested by a few friends, and I thought that is a great idea. Since I really prefer not to put everything personal on Facebook, for all to see. I wanted to share all these moments with my close family and friends that I don't get to see very much of anymore, since I am way the hell up north! Ha. I thought it would be nice to post the journeys we go threw as we start our family here in the North Pole.
 With that being said I am currently 39 wks and I am "supposed" to be due Sept 12th! But I have a feeling she might go over, I haven't had any changes no contractions I think she is quite comfortable in there! So as we patiently wait, we try and do as much exploring as we can, or I can. Jake can't wait for her to come so he can just strap her on his back and go! Haha We both can't wait for her to arrive, any day now. I will try and keep you all posted as well, and we thank you for visiting our new site! Enjoy, and let the adventure begin!


  1. great idea colie! can't wait to keep up with you, jake and baby girl osborn! miss you. xoxo

  2. Thanks Mel, miss getting ice cream with you! :(

  3. Yeah for doing this!! It will give me something to do while I sit at home and work every day! So excited for you guys and can't wait to see pics of baby os!! Miss you!

  4. Love this and you!! Can't wait to read more!

  5. Look at your tiny ass and that big belly. So cute! Love you girl. can't wait to meet the little one :)

  6. Wishing you the best Colie! Life is going be so much better when your baby girl enters this world. Take care!

  7. It's almost time!!! Xmas in September!! Are you have someone take videos of the delivery???
